Ohio University Engagement Photographer - Stephanie and Jim

I had a great time with Stephanie and Jim in Athens. It was a lot of fun shooting their engement session during the day and night with them. I have done this with most of my engagement sessions in Columbus. This was the first time I got to do this in Athens and I had a blast. We went to the top of the parking garage, Baker Center, and few other great locations that look beautiful at night.

Athens, Ohio Engement Session at Emeriti Park

I loved the beautiful blossoms on College Green. I couldn't have asked for a better day.

Athens, Ohio Engement Session at Emeriti Park

Athens, Ohio Engement Session on College Green

Baker Center at night turned out great.

Athens, Ohio Engement Session on Court Street

Athens, Ohio Engement Session on Court Street

Athens, Ohio Engement Session oustide Baker Center

I remember shooting this alley in black and white in college.

Athens, Ohio Engement Session in Cold Stone

I like the alley lights it accents this photo really well.

Athens, Ohio Engement Session

Athens, Ohio Engement Session - Margaret M. Walter Hall at Ohio University

Athens, Ohio Engement Session - Margaret M. Walter Hall at Ohio University
